Monday, September 15, 2014

Ria Sarwono's Weekend Getaway

 Stop whatever you're doing right now, 'cause you might need a break from work and take a #cottoninkgetaway to Bali with our Brand & Marketing Director, Ria Sarwono (and her son, Ara).

Choosing Bali as her #cottoninkgetaway, she admitted that her weekend had never been better than being spent there. Keep scrolling for more wanderlust and #cottoninkstylingtips.

What I packed for my carry-on bag...
Laptop and snacks. Waiting for the flight is always boring with nothing to do and snacks are my family’s best friend.

My Bali’s holiday uniform was…
Les Weekends Tee and Dark Grey Damaskus. What’s more comfortable than t-shirt-and-loose-pants pair?

For a destination like Bali, I would never ever wear...

In Bali, I did resist, but I couldn’t stand not to buy...
Home décor stuff. And whenever I go to Bali, eating mie kuah, sambal matah and kerupuk udang at Warung Made is such a routine that I wouldn’t skip.