Young, talented and hardworking Alika Islamadina first appeared as one of the contestants in Akademi Fantasi Junior before living her dream of being a renowned solo singer. Interviewing her was a total fun as we were curious about the balance she manages to obtain for two of her priorities in life: career and study. Here she shares the things she always brings in her bag to what she finds most challenging in her career.
When did you first start singing?
My love for singing started when I was three and the first song I sang was A Whole New World, Aladdin’s soundtrack. And I started to take singing lessons at five or six.
What do you usually do in your spare time?
I love to go the mall, cinema or watch DVD at home.
What are the beauty items that you always have in your bag?
Eyeliner, eyelash curler and mascara.
The most challenging thing to me is entertaining the audience. If they don’t feel entertained, I feel like I haven't accomplished my main goal; which is to entertain them. So, I always have to choose the right songs for the right occasions.
How do you balance your career in singing and your study in economy?
It’s about time management - the way I prioritize one over another. Like when I really have to sing, then I’d leave the class. But whenever I could, I’d reschedule my job. Education is still my first priority.
If you really have to choose between these two options: continuing your career as a singer or your study, what would you choose?
Ah, both of them. But, umm, if the choice is only one, I’d choose my study, and then when I've finally graduated, I’d continue my career in singing.
How do you see yourself in the next five years?
In the next five years, I’ll be 25. My study in economy must be finished, then I want to continue my study to master degree. Oh, but I think I’d take a year off before I go to college again. I’d spent that one year to sing.
Fill in the blank: Alika Islamadina can’t live without…
Cellphone. Oh, no, my mom. I can’t live without her.