Calling all concert and getaway goers out there, get a chance to win Raisa Concert Package to Singapore!
1. Follow us @cottonink on Instagram.
2. Post your best photo(s) on Instagram based on daily theme.
3. Don't forget to mention and tag us @cottonink and put these hashtags:
#cottoninkxraisaconcert #raisaliveinsingapore #cottonink #raisa #cottoninkgetaway4. This contest starts from September 2 to September 19.
5. We will announce the winner at 12 PM on the following day. Kindly check out for the daily winner.
Check out the Terms & Conditions after the jump.

Terms & Conditions
1. We will grant the winner with one mystery prize each day. Please note that there will only be one winner per day. Once you have won this contest in any of the occurring days, we apologize beforehand that you don't have another chance to win another daily prize again. One person can only win one daily prize.
2. If you have won once for daily prize, don't worry, you still got the chance to win Grand Prize: Raisa Concert Package for two winners at the end of this contest (September 20).
3. All lucky winners will be chosen by COTTONINK and Raisa. Decision of winners are absolute and cannot be changed.
4. Each grand prize winner will get: Raisa's concert ticket, economy class flight ticket (Jakarta - Singapore, Singapore - Jakarta), hotel accommodation 1 night at The Pod Singapore, COTTONINK Gift Voucher 500K, accommodation fee and hampers from Raisa. COTTONINK and Raisa Management are not responsible for expenses other that stated above.
5. The prize is as stated and non-transferable and not-for-sale.
6. COTTON INK and Raisa Management reserve the right to modify the contest rules and terms prior to the closing date.
7. Grand prize winner must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Participant below the age of 18 may join the contest, but is required to travel with a guardian. COTTONINK and Raisa Management are not responsible for expenses of the guardian.
8. Winners shall immediately send an email to for further details regarding all prizes. If any winners haven't confirmed their prizes until a week after the announcement, COTTONINK reserves the right to disqualify the winner(s).